Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead.” by Brené Brown is like a roadmap to resilience and emotional strength, a real lifeline for anyone struggling with life’s ups and downs. his book feels like a heart-to-heart chat with a wise friend who’s teaching you how to get back on your feet after a stumble, armed with courage and compassion. It’s about embracing vulnerability, owning our stories, and rising from failures stronger than before.

Remember – if you find the book summary helpful or the content resonates with you, please be sure to purchase the book.

Embracing Vulnerability and Courage

Brené Brown’s “Rising Strong” spends considerable time exploring vulnerability and courage and how these two concepts intertwine. The main idea is this: Vulnerability isn’t a sign of weakness; instead, it’s the most accurate measure of courage and the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.

Vulnerability: It’s Okay Not to Be Okay

Brown teaches us that showing vulnerability is not just okay; it’s actually a powerful action. Often, we attempt to mask our feelings of shame, fear, and inadequacy, preferring to project an image of perfection. However, Brown explains that accepting our own vulnerability can make us more relatable, compassionate, and empathetic. She teaches us to believe that it’s okay not to be okay all the time.

According to Brown, vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up when you can’t control the outcome. In the book, she encourages us to let ourselves be seen – in our greatest moments and our darkest hours.

Courage: Daring Greatly

Brown underlines that vulnerability and courage are two sides of the same coin. It takes a great deal of bravery to open ourselves up and reveal our true selves. This vulnerability, this daring to expose our true selves, is at the heart of human connection. It is also the gateway to personal growth.

In “Rising Strong,” courage is not just about grand heroic acts. It’s about everyday actions where we decide to confront our own discomfort, stand up for ourselves, or admit that we don’t have all the answers. Brown points out that choosing courage over comfort is not easy, but it is the key to a more fulfilling life.

She also stresses the importance of ‘rumbling with our story.’ It’s about challenging our thought patterns, beliefs, and attitudes, especially when we’re faced with setbacks. It’s the courage to examine our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors and how they’re impacting our lives.

Brené Brown’s focus on vulnerability and courage is a testament to their power in transforming our lives. By acknowledging our vulnerability and exercising courage, we can create a life that is authentic and filled with connection, joy, and fulfillment.

Rewriting our Self-Narratives

One of the most transformative concepts that Brené Brown presents in “Rising Strong” is the power to rewrite our self-narratives. Brown emphasizes that the stories we tell ourselves greatly influence our behaviors, choices, relationships, and ultimately, the trajectory of our lives.

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Brown tells us that humans are hardwired for storytelling. We inherently construct narratives to make sense of the world around us and our place in it. However, these narratives are not always accurate or helpful. They are often shaped by past experiences, fears, societal norms, or false beliefs, leading us to create stories that might reinforce negative self-perception or harmful patterns of behavior.

For instance, if we’ve faced numerous rejections in the past, we might create a self-narrative that we are unworthy of love or success. This narrative then fuels our actions and reactions, forming a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Rewriting Our Self-Narratives

Recognizing these inaccurate narratives is the first step to rewriting them. Brown introduces the idea of a “shitty first draft” or an SFD. This is the initial story we tell ourselves when something goes wrong – a story often filled with self-doubt, blame, and fear. Recognizing that this is just a first draft allows us to step back and reassess our narratives more objectively.

Rewriting our self-narratives requires us to challenge our initial interpretations and assumptions, scrutinize our feelings, and search for the truths hidden beneath our first reactions. It involves confronting our insecurities and fears, understanding where they come from, and how they are influencing our story.

By rewriting our self-narratives, we empower ourselves to change our behaviors and mindsets, foster healthier relationships, and ultimately rise strong from our struggles. It’s not an easy process, but according to Brown, it’s a journey worth taking because it paves the way for us to live a more authentic and fulfilling life. It allows us to become the authors of our own stories rather than being passive characters dictated by circumstances or past experiences.

The Power of Self-Compassion

A crucial element in “Rising Strong” is the significance of self-compassion in the process of personal growth. Brené Brown emphasizes that self-compassion is a key factor in bouncing back from failures and setbacks.

The Power of Self-Compassion

Brown explains that self-compassion is treating ourselves with the same kindness and understanding we would show a dear friend in their time of need. It’s about recognizing that we are human, and like all humans, we have flaws and make mistakes. It’s being gentle with ourselves when we’re facing a tough time, rather than being harsh or overly critical.

The power of self-compassion lies in its capacity to heal and transform. By being kind to ourselves, we create a safe space to acknowledge our emotions, accept our flaws, and confront our failures without the fear of self-judgment. This acceptance then becomes the stepping stone to change.

The Role of Self-Compassion in Rising Strong

Self-compassion is a vital part of the process of ‘Rising Strong’. When we fall, our instinct is often to beat ourselves up, to blame ourselves, or to get trapped in a cycle of self-pity. But Brown encourages us to embrace self-compassion, to accept our fallibility, and to recognize that failure is not a judgment on our worth but a part of the human experience.

Practicing self-compassion allows us to honor our emotions without getting overwhelmed by them. It gives us the courage to own our stories of struggle, and to rewrite these narratives in a way that acknowledges our pain, but also our strength and our potential for growth.

Moreover, self-compassion fosters resilience. It builds our emotional stamina to absorb setbacks, to learn from them, and to rise again. By being compassionate towards ourselves, we cultivate a resilience that stems not from stoicism or stubbornness, but from genuine acceptance and love for ourselves.

In essence, self-compassion is not just about weathering the storm, but about learning to dance in the rain. It’s about embracing our vulnerabilities, our tears, our fears, and yet choosing to stand tall, to learn, to grow, and to fight another day. It’s about rising strong, not despite our struggles, but because of them.

Trust as a Foundation

“Rising Strong” not only presents a journey through personal vulnerabilities and emotions, but it also highlights the importance of trust as a foundation for that journey. Trust, as Brené Brown describes, forms the bedrock of our relationships, including the one we have with ourselves.

Trust as a Foundation

As Brown explains, trust is not just about relying on others. It’s also about trusting ourselves, our intuition, and our ability to face and overcome adversity. Brown posits that building trust with oneself is a necessary step towards resilience.

Trusting oneself involves believing in our capacity to rise after a fall. It’s acknowledging that we have the strength to navigate through the hardships and the wisdom to learn from our experiences. It’s trusting our narratives and our emotions, as well as our potential for growth and transformation.

Trust in Relationships

Brown also explores trust in interpersonal relationships. She introduces the acronym BRAVING, which stands for Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault, Integrity, Nonjudgment, and Generosity. These, according to Brown, are the elements of trust in relationships.

The essence of BRAVING is that each aspect contributes to a robust trust structure in our relationships. Setting healthy boundaries, holding ourselves and others accountable, maintaining confidentiality (Vault), and treating ourselves and others with kindness and understanding (Generosity) all build and sustain trust.

The Role of Trust in Rising Strong

When it comes to Rising Strong, trust plays a pivotal role. Trusting oneself means that we give ourselves the grace to stumble, the space to own our stories, and the freedom to rewrite them. Trust in our capabilities emboldens us to be vulnerable, to show courage, and to rise strong.

In our relationships, trust enables us to share our stories and our struggles without fear of judgment. It allows us to be vulnerable and to seek support. It encourages a bond that’s built on mutual respect and understanding, fostering a sense of belonging and love.

In conclusion, Brené Brown’s exploration of trust underscores its fundamental role in our journey of resilience. Trust serves as a guiding star in our journey of Rising Strong, illuminating our path as we navigate through our struggles and ascend to our potential.

The Role of Forgiveness

In “Rising Strong,” Brené Brown dedicates a meaningful portion of her work to the transformative power of forgiveness, a key ingredient for resilience and wholehearted living.

Forgiveness as a Process

Brown argues that forgiveness is not a one-off event but a process. It’s not about forgetting or absolving harmful actions; instead, it’s about letting go of resentment and pain. It’s a personal journey that we undertake for our peace of mind and wellbeing, not for the one who caused us harm.

She illuminates this process with a compelling metaphor, suggesting that “In order for forgiveness to happen, something has to die.” This refers to the letting go of an old grudge, pain, or even a former version of ourselves or our relationship with the offender.

Forgiveness and Self

On the journey of Rising Strong, the ability to forgive ourselves is as vital as forgiving others. Self-forgiveness is about acknowledging our faults and shortcomings, showing compassion to ourselves, and resolving to learn and grow from our mistakes. It’s about discarding the burden of guilt and self-recrimination and embracing the promise of self-improvement and growth.

Forgiveness and Connection

Brown also explores the role of forgiveness in our relationships. By forgiving others, we let go of the toxic feelings of resentment and anger that can poison our connections. It enables us to cultivate deeper and healthier relationships founded on understanding, compassion, and trust.

Forgiveness in Rising Strong

When it comes to Rising Strong, forgiveness is a powerful tool in our arsenal. Forgiveness frees us from the shackles of resentment, allowing us to progress on our journey with lighter hearts. It aids in embracing vulnerability, as letting go of our past pains often requires immense courage and strength. It also fosters a sense of self-compassion and aids in the rewriting of our narratives, casting us not as victims of our past, but as architects of our future.

In summary, Brené Brown’s emphasis on forgiveness underlines its profound role in our resilience journey. By understanding and embracing forgiveness, we equip ourselves with the capability to rise strong from our adversities.

Staying True to Ourselves

In “Rising Strong,” Brené Brown provides a compelling exploration of the importance of authenticity and self-integrity in the process of resilience and personal transformation.

Authenticity and Vulnerability

To Brown, authenticity and vulnerability are intimately linked. To be authentic is to embrace our vulnerability, to show up as our true selves even when it’s uncomfortable or risky. It means owning our stories, our emotions, our failures, and our successes. It’s about letting ourselves be seen, truly seen, in all our flawed and beautiful humanity.

She writes, “Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.” This idea underlines the courage it takes to be true to ourselves in a world that often expects us to fit into predefined molds.

Living in Alignment with our Values

Brown stresses that staying true to ourselves also involves living in alignment with our core values. It means making decisions and choosing behaviors that reflect what we believe in, even when it’s difficult or unpopular. This alignment is a critical element of the Rising Strong process, as it ensures our actions are congruent with our true selves, thereby fostering a sense of self-integrity and peace.

Self-Integrity in Rising Strong

In the context of Rising Strong, self-integrity is a powerful driving force. Brown points out that when we betray our values and act out of sync with our authentic selves, we experience disconnection and self-betrayal. This can trigger feelings of guilt, shame, and regret, which could lead to stumbling blocks on our Rising Strong journey.

On the other hand, when we act in harmony with our true selves, we feel empowered and confident. We trust ourselves more and are more likely to bounce back from adversity. We are also more likely to be forgiving, both to ourselves and others, as we understand that failure and making mistakes are part of the human experience.

In conclusion, Brené Brown champions authenticity and self-integrity as essential aspects of resilience and personal growth. Staying true to ourselves not only enhances our self-esteem and peace of mind, but it also equips us with the fortitude and conviction needed to rise strong in the face of life’s adversities.

The ‘Rising Strong’ Process as a Revolution

In “Rising Strong,” Brené Brown presents the Rising Strong Process not just as a method of personal growth but as a veritable revolution. This revolution is not just personal, but it has the potential to permeate through families, communities, and organizations, leading to profound transformations at all levels of society.

The Personal Revolution

At the individual level, the Rising Strong Process is about shaking up our usual patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. It’s about challenging our self-constructed narratives and finding the courage to change them when they no longer serve us. This is a radical act, requiring both vulnerability and bravery.

Brown shares, “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.” This highlights the revolutionary nature of Rising Strong – it’s a courageous defiance of societal norms that often discourage us from showing vulnerability or acknowledging our failures.

Ripple Effects

The Rising Strong Process doesn’t just stop at the individual. When one person commits to Rising Strong, it can inspire those around them to do the same. This can create ripple effects that lead to transformative changes in relationships, families, and communities.

For instance, if a parent embraces the Rising Strong Process, their children might learn to be more resilient and self-compassionate. If a leader in an organization decides to practice Rising Strong, they could foster a culture of authenticity, vulnerability, and resilience within their team.

Societal Implications

In a broader sense, the Rising Strong Process carries implications for societal change. If embraced widely, it could influence societal norms and values, promoting a culture where vulnerability is seen not as weakness but as courage, where failure is viewed as an opportunity for growth, and where self-compassion replaces self-criticism.

In sum, Brené Brown presents the Rising Strong Process as a powerful tool for personal and collective revolution. By embracing vulnerability, rewriting our narratives, practicing self-compassion, and living in alignment with our true selves, we can transform not only our own lives but also influence those around us, bringing about far-reaching and profound change.

In summary, “Rising Strong” is a heartfelt guide to navigating the emotional landscape of our lives. It helps us understand ourselves better, have more compassionate interactions, and ultimately, rise stronger from the challenges life throws at us.

Don’t forget to check out our own book “Unbroken: Navigating Life’s Highs and Lows with Resilience and Grit”